20XX is a fast-paced action platformer that combines classic arcade gameplay with modern roguelike elements. Jump, shoot, and dash your way through procedurally generated levels filled with enemies, hazards, and hidden secrets. Inspired by the iconic Mega Man series, 20XX offers a challenging and...
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20XX is a fast-paced action platformer that combines classic arcade gameplay with modern roguelike elements. Jump, shoot, and dash your way through procedurally generated levels filled with enemies, hazards, and hidden secrets. Inspired by the iconic Mega Man series, 20XX offers a challenging and rewarding experience that evolves with each playthrough. Perfect for both solo adventurers and co-op players, you’ll have endless hours of fun with various upgrades, weapons, and enemies.
Key Features:
Age rating: PEGI 7
Genres: Action, Indie
Release date: 2014-11-25
Supported Languages: