9 Years of Shadows is an emotionally-driven Metroidvania, enhanced by healing music that tells the story of Europa, a young woman of noble birth tasked with ending the curse that...
9 Years of Shadows is an emotionally-driven Metroidvania, enhanced by healing music that tells the story of Europa, a young woman of noble birth tasked with ending the curse that...
A Plague Tale: Innocence, on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, tells the grim story of two siblings fighting together for survival in the darkest hours of History. This new...
Absolver is an online multiplayer combat RPG where players are placed behind the mask of a Prospect under control of the Guides, the new rulers of the fallen Adal Empire,...
Armoured combat from D-day to the end of the war in Europe. The M4 Sherman, the M18 Hellcat, the Pzkfw Vla/b Tiger - these are the tanks that rocked Europe...
Following the huge successes of the number 1 Steam top selling epic SRPG, Agarest: Generations of War and its prequel Agarest: Generations of War ZERO, Ghostlight are proud to release...
Welcome to Age of Wonders, the authentic turn-based fantasy strategy classic that started the hit series. Age of Wonders’ intimate atmosphere with painterly graphics still shines today. The game’s fully...
Age of Wonders III, like the previous games in the series is a turn-based strategy game set within a high fantasy universe where the player assumes the role of a...
Men of War: Condemned Heroes tells the story of one of the infamous Soviet penal battalions during the WWII. These battalions are famous for being formed under Stalin’s "No step...
A restoration and remaster of a game lost to time for over 25 years, American Hero was originally designed for the Atari Jaguar CD as a “playable movie” with a...
From the creators of Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Dear Esther comes a new first-person horrorgame that will drag you to the depths of greed power and madness. It will...
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